Fab Five - Contemporary Corner Sofas

I've been on a mission to find the perfect corner sofa for a new project I'm working on at home. I have officially found THE ONE, and I'm super excited. It's not what I had envisioned, but it was love at first sight when I saw it. And I'll let you know all about that project soon.

I had very exacting, non-negotiable criteria - it had to have very specific dimensions - to not only fit the space, but to fill it, and make the most of every single centimetre. It had to be a corner sofa in it's true sense - not a sofa with chaise (though I certainly found loads of lovely ones in that category), and it had to be a sofa bed. Oh, and it had to be under two grand. It also had to be contemporary, casual, and comfortable. Obvs.

I know, that's a big ask, and it was hard, very hard, to find one that fulfilled all the criteria. It's lucky that I'm super stubborn, because I knew it was out there somewhere, I just had to find it. And I did.

It's been a long time since I seriously looked for a sofa and I must say I was impressed with vast array of fabric options and colours so many places offer these days. It's making my final fabric decision incredibly hard! My sensible side knows I should go quite dark and neutral, because you know, I have two kids and the covers are not loose or washable. I change wall colours nearly as much as my underwear so neutral makes most sense. BUT, my not so sensible side is telling my to go with my heart and choose a more interesting colour. I'm not sure yet which side will win, but I need to decide today!

As I said, I'll show you THE ONE soon and tell you all about my plans for that room, but today I'm going to share some other fabulous specimens that I came across on my travels, because it would be a shame not to share these great discoveries. Many of these come in different configurations so don't immediately discount them if you're not in the market for a corner sofa.

None of these are sofa beds, so that's primarily why they weren't for me on this occasion. Some were also a tad too big and a tad or more too expensive, but I'll certainly be revisiting them when the time comes to replace our main sofa, once the kids have finished completely trashing it.

Fab Five Contemporary Sofas - French For Pineapple Blog

1. Camerich Casa Corner Sofa in Zest

2. Habitat Opollo in Charcoal

3. Trinity by John Rocha for Debenhams in Blue

4. Love Your Home Grace in Moss Brushed Cotton

5. Loaf Atticus Corner Sofa in Putty Broadweave Linen